Freedom worships together each week with a blend of powerful music and Biblical preaching.
At the end of each service is a time of response, when individuals can connect with God and take steps to respond in an extended time of worship with Him.
What is Response Time?
During the last few songs of the service (after the sermon) is an opportunity to respond corporately and individually to God. There are several different ways to worship and connect with God during this time, including prayer, communion, the cross, and tithes and offerings.
One of the most important parts of our response time is communion. As His body was broken and His blood shed, we too break the bread and drink the cup, proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes. We provide stations throughout our worship space, allowing all Christ-followers to examine themselves and to take communion when they are ready.
In the Christian life, it is so easy to get distracted, to lose our dedication and stumble. We provide a cross so that you can write down those sins and distractions that God brings to your mind, and nail them to the cross. This is a physical act that makes public our inward experiences, a reminder to ourselves that God left our sins on the cross with Christ, so that we can journey on with joy and endurance.
As we respond, we know that we are not just individuals, but the body of Christ, the Church. And so every weekend, members of the prayer team are ready to stand with anyone who needs prayer. We all have baggage, but we don’t have to carry it alone.
Along with offering our songs, worship also includes offering our physical resources in the form of tithes and offerings. We desire to be a generous church because we know that He blessed us with our resources in order for us to bless others. It is our privilege to share with God’s people and to give back part of what He has given to us.