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Discover Your Purpose + Make A Difference
Join our Dream Team today!

At Freedom, you can serve within our church, in the community and around the globe. Select where you want to get started.

Online Connect Team

Connect with our online family by being present and interactive in our chat room during the Livestream experience.

Project lead

Jen Hawver

Cafe Team

The cafe team prepares and sells hot and cold beverages, sells baked goods. A nice smile and warm drink go a long way in making people feel welcomed!

Project lead

Toni Maxfield

Hospitality Team

Help create welcoming environments and spaces for our guests and dream team. Throughout the week and weekend, love on others by using your gift of hospitality.

Project lead

Rebecca Rogers

Photography Team

A team built of creative photographers who love to capture the heart of Freedom Church through digital story telling!

Project lead

Cheyenne Wepking

Freedom Kids Team

On Sunday mornings, teach the children of Freedom about Jesus. Help them connect with other kids and have fun in a safe enviornment.

Project lead

Pastor Cyprian Temple

Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday May 19 from 1-6pm. Give back by donating blood with the Red Cross at Freedom Church! Schedule a time to give the gift that keeps giving with the link provided. Let's BE the church and donate! Also, receive a special treat as a thank you when you give!

Project lead

American Red Cross

Media Team

A team who captures the story and heart of Freedom Church through social media.

Project lead

Abi Dephouse

Greater European Mission: Cody and Sam Richard

In Eastern Europe, Scotland is one of the most unchurched areas in the world. Through Greater European Mission, Sam and Cody Richard, plan to partner with a local church to reach people far from God. Their mission is to share the hope and love of Jesus with the people of Scotland by using creative arts to connect with hearts in need.

Project lead

Pastor Megan West

Lowcountry Pregnancy Center

The Lowcountry’s premier pregnancy and sexual health resource center, offers free pregnancy testing, nurse consultations, medical referrals, and occasionally free ultrasounds.

Parenting classes and fatherhood classes are also available.

At Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, we give away thousands of diapers and wipes each week! We currently have an urgent need for wipes and diapers in size 6. We're also extremely low on diapers in sizes 3, 4 & 5. Even our diaper stock in sizes 1 & 2 is lower than usual.

Here's how you can help:

Deliver or ship diapers and/or wipes to Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, 7481 Northside Drive, Suite B, North Charleston, SC, 29420. Our office hours are Mon - Thu, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Please see the amazon wish list link below.

Project lead

Lowcountry Pregnancy Center

Donate to Changed Lives Ministries

Changed Lives Ministry has provided a no-cost residential program helping men and women who are earnestly searching for freedom from alcohol and drug addiction. CLM doesn't charge residents anything during their 13 weeks of rehabilitation. The Re-Sale store helps fund the program. All proceeds go to funding the ministry. Donate today!

Project lead

Pam Veurink

Change Lives Ministry Donation/ Sorting

Changed Lives Ministry has provided a no-cost residential program helping men and women who are earnestly searching for freedom from alcohol and drug addiction. CLM doesn't charge residents anything during their 13 weeks of rehabilitation. The Re-Sale store helps fund the program. Use the link provided to schedule a time to serve.

Project lead

Pam Veurink

Adopt-a-Block Team (Belangia, St. Stephen)

Monthly - Last Saturday - 11am

We love our neighbors in Berkeley County on a monthly basis through adopt-a-block. We serve relationally through food care, kids activities, and devotional time. This is a family-friendly way to serve!

Project lead

Amy Johnson

Car Care Repair Team

Monthly - 3rd Saturday - 8am

Every third Saturday we have the opportunity to care for single moms and others in need through helping with car maintenance and caring for these families while they are being served. Join us!

Project lead

Jason Wyke

Feed Berkeley Stock Team

Monthly - Friday before 4th Saturday - 11:45am

Once a month on the Friday before the 4th Saturday, we partner with the Lowcountry Food Bank to stock the pantry at Feed Berkeley to prepare for month to prepare for distribution.

Project lead

Brittney Jacumin

Prayer Team

Intercede on behalf of our church by praying over our members during the experience. During response time you will have the opportunity to pray with them one on one.

Project lead

Curtis Grant

Families Count Serve Team

Families Count is a ministry focusing on family restoration and preservation. We provide a seven week parenting class, targets parents who are at-risk of having their children removed from their home and placed into foster care and those who have have lost custody of their children and are working toword reunification.

There are a few ways you can help these families as they go through this difficult season.

-Parent Advocate /Mentor: Providing emotional support and encouragement

-Hospitality Team: Help create a welcoming environment for these families by helping to provide meal.

-Childcare Provider: Caring both physically and spiritual for children that accompany their parents.

Project lead

Samantha Pender

Coffee Team

Prepare urns of coffee to help our guests feel welcomed and energized to experience God!

Project lead

Tammy Grant

Painting The Building

Be a part of serving with the team that does touch up painting at the church. To find out more sign up below and Danny will help you get connected!

Project lead

Danny Hoover

Production Serve Team

The Production Team prepares, operates and supports the audio, lighting, video and graphical presentation needs in the worship center.

Project lead

Brandon Bland

Baptism Team

Throughout the year, during the Sunday experience, we help people take their next step by serving on the baptism team. From check-in, to care, to capturing the moment there is a part you can play.

Project lead

Wes and Melissa Danner

Legacy Mission International

Join us as we work with Legacy Mission International to do good work in Roatan, Honduras. Give above and beyond your tithes or come with us on a short-term mission trip!

Project lead

Pastor Megan West

Francis and Benedict: House of Peace

In Togo, West Africa lies a beacon of hope called the House of Peace. When you give to Freedom, you support the cost of maintaining this three-story building that houses Francis + Benedict's seamstresses, a child development center, housing for missionaries, and a global leadership school. Our partnership provides sustainable income, nutrition, transportation, education, and health savins to some of the most vulnerable in the world.

Project lead

Pastor Megan West

Closet of Hope - Donation Sorting

Closets of Hope provides local foster families with like new children’s items that are donated. Donations need to be sorted regularly. Schedule a time to volunteer at the facility.

Project lead

Samantha Pender

Donate to My Sister's House

My Sister's House is a non-profit organization serving victims of domestic violence in Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley counties. Donate funds or supplies to help serve the women in their care.

Project lead

Megan West

Adopt-a-Block Team (Country Lane, Moncks Corner)

Monthly - Last Saturday - 11am
We love our neighbors in Berkeley County on a monthly basis through adopt-a-block. We serve relationally through food care, kids activities, and devotional time. This is a family-friendly way to serve!

Project lead

Tammy Grant

Fisher House - Dinner Team

Monthly- 4th Saturday - 4pm

Every fourth Saturday we have the opportunity to prepare a meal and serve the families of Veterans and Active-Duty while recieving medical care at the VA hospital.

Project lead

Samantha Pender

Feed Berkeley Serve Team

Monthly - 4th Saturday - 8:30am

Every fourth Saturday morning at 8:30am we feed the hungry people of Berkeley County! Opportunities are available to load trunks and pray with families receiving food.

Project lead

Brittney Jacumin

Freedom Youth

Every Wednesday evening serve the Church of Today by helping create a safe and fun environment where students can worship and develop community in small groups.

Project lead

Pastor Cyprian Temple

Guest Experience Team

Greet everyone with a smile and make our first time guests feel welcome. Be a part of their first impression and welcome them HOME!

Project lead

Tamela Reed

Worship Team

Audition to use your vocal and musical talents to lead worship during our many experience opportunities.

Project lead

Freedom Worship

Next Steps Team

Help host our Next Steps class on the first Sunday of every month during the 11:00 experience. Help create an environment where people can get connected to the Freedom family.

Project lead

Mary Hubenthal

Parking Team

Help give our first time guest the ultimate experience, direct traffic, and be the first person to say Welcome Home!

Project lead

Robby Carter

Ushers/Section Hosts

Will assist in welcoming people into the Worship Center, help them find their seats, and pass offering baskets during giving moment.

Project lead

Curtis Grant


Respond to urgent needs caused by natural disasters and political around the globe.

Project lead

Pastor Megan West

Sponsor a Child at Mt. Hope

Support one of our 18 kids at the Mt. Hope Orphanage. For $49/ month you will provide resources to meet their physical, spiritual and educational needs.

Project lead

Pastor Megan West

Teachers Love Project Champion's Team

Be Teacher Champion and Serve Berkeley County School Teachers
Investing in education's human capital is both a moral responsibility and a strategic effort to improve student learning and achievement. We invite those who share this mission to get involved and help expand its impact.

​Come join us in learning how you can use your gifts and talents to serve our local teachers.

Every volunteer role at Teachers Love Project is vital and contributes meaningfully to the mission.

Project lead

Megan West

Closet of Hope Donation Drop Off

Drop Off
The majority of children coming into foster care, come with only the clothes on their back. Your donations help us provide items for all children's needs.
These are all residential drop off locations. Please only drop off from 8am-8pm. No prior notice needed!
Click on Link below for locations.

Project lead

Closet of Hope

Hope Repair Team

Monthly - 2nd Saturday - 7am

On the second Saturday of each month Hope Repair sends six to ten teams out to work on leaky roofs, unsafe floors, decrepit plumbing, building wheelchair ramps, steps, etc. You need not have special skills to attend and you can serve in both completing repairs and praying over the homeowners being served.

Project lead

Thomas Blackwell

Blankets of Grace Team

Let us know if you're interested in making some make blankets covered in prayer that will be donated to those in need in our county. Meets the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month.

Project lead

Samantha Pender

Closet of Hope Serve Team (Berkeley County DSS )

Monthly- Pick a Monday 9am

Every Monday we will have the opportunity to help local foster families, kinship and adoptive families with providing items for all children's needs. They do not pay for this service, everything in the closet is 100% free to them, and we don’t put limits on how much they can take.
Join us in making a huge impact on our community.

Project lead

Amanda Mobley

1425 Cypress Gardens Rd. Moncks Corner, SC 29461

(843) 732-0302

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